On this page I present some of my photography work and some information on the equipment I use.
My Photography Equipment
I have been using Nikon Equipment for more than 30 years now. So why did I select Nikon camera and lens equipment and – even more important – why have I stayed with Nikon equipment from 1986 until today?
I received a Nikon F-301 und ein Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 lens as a christmas present in 1986. Since then Nikon technology proved to be a reliable and robust companion in photography. Of course, there are quite a view comments I have on Nikon’s product management. However, since I have spent some money on Nikkor lenses, I am reluctant to change my photography system. Why? We all know: “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” and this seems also to be true for photo gear!
I still use my old Nikkor 50mm f71.8, a heavy Nikkor AF-S 80-200mm f/2.8 and a Tamron AF XR Di 28-75mm f/2.8 Macro. If I ever need a tripod I will use my Berlebach Reporter 8023.
You will find a selection of my work here. Most of the pictures were shot on b&w or slide film. I had them professionally scanned at scan-studio.de
Click on the pictures to view the galleries